Finish our two year academy and transfer credits to Crown Institute of Theology to earn your Bachelor of Theology degree


We believe deeply in the transformative power of education.

However, beyond education is Activation.

At the New and Better Covenant Academy, You will receive an excellent education in theology, and learn how to become activated in the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Word of God. When you are born again of spirit and of water, you become one spirit with Him. Just knowledge about the Bible and Christ Jesus does not make you able to minister. You must become His ambassador, His hand extended. While on Earth, He was fully man. He did only what He saw the Father do, and as a man only could work through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. He has given us all the tools and power that He had as a man. We must grow in Him to learn how to use the tools He has given us. We must be conformed to His image and likeness (Rom.8:29). Like Him during His earthly ministry, our knowledge and power come only through His indwelling Holy Spirit.

We must "grow up into Him in all things which is the head even Christ" Eph. 4:15. Our calling is "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unit of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ". Eph.4:12-13.

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New and Better Covenant Academy Two Year Certificate Course Curriculum

A 60 credit course with all classes on line. 120 to 150 hours of class videos, about 300 to 500 hours to complete.

Overview of New and Better Covenant Theology

The Gospel and the Gospel of the Kingdom

The Keys to the Kingdom

The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ

Old Testament Survey - A Covenant View

Jesus Seen in the Tabernacle of Moses

Developing a New Covenant Relationship

New Testament Survey - Gospels and Acts

New Testament Survey - The Letters


Hearing the Voice of God

The Fruits of the Spirit

The Gifts of the Spirit

Praise and Worship

The Bible - How did We Get it?

Bible History and Church History

Five Fold Ministry - Church Structure in New and Better Covenant Theology

Discipleship and Ministry

Crown Institute of Theology

Bachelor of Theology Curriculum

Completion of New and Better Covenant Academy or two years of active ministry is required to apply

Core Classes - Required of All Students

Introduction to the Kingdom-The Messiah’s Reign 103

Atonement Based Healing 105

Introduction to Theology 107

The Book of Hebrews 209

World Missions 304

Theological Covenants 306

Kingdom Promises and the Olive Tree 308

Christus Victor 310

Small Call to Action Headline

Book of II Peter 211

The Person and Ministry of Jesus: 213

The Azusa Street Revival 215

The Christian Hope 217

The Book of Revelation 219

Christocentric Hermeneutics 221

The King of the Kingdom-How Jesus Became King 347

The Book of Galatians 349

Introduction to Preaching 351

Youth Ministry 355

Organization and Administration of the Church 357

Theology and Practice of Worship 359

The Lord’s Table 361

Matthew 24: Past of Future 363

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Life & Ministry

You can join the first semester of N&BC Academy for a special price.

The first 13 classes are offered separately as a fundraiser for Crown Africa to train pastors in Central Africa. Take it to see the quality education we offer. Contact [email protected] for special Pricing.

Do you need training and a mentor to help you to grow in Christ, start or expand your ministry, or earn a degree in theology, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?

We’ve built an online Bible academy that provides you with the benefits of live training, but without the constraints. Take individual courses, receive a certificate in an area of study, or earn a Bachelor of Arts in New and Better Covenant Theology.

New and Better Covenant Academy offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. You can learn on your own time — and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and activation into our classes. Which means the course won’t just engage you; with activation you will find a higher place in the Kingdom of God.

You’ll become more knowledgeable, and more capable, empowered by His Holy Spirit to be a representative of Christ Jesus and an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, we’ve worked hard to make our content is both easy to understand and easy to implement. We approach the Scripture with a contextual and historic viewpoint. We allow scripture to define scripture. We look at the whole arc of the Bible narrative to find the meaning of a concept. We walk you through step-by-step until you complete the entire online curriculum.

Think about it … There’s never been a better time to grow your knowledge of the Word and transform your life, putting on the mind of Christ. There’s never been a time in history when world-class education was so accessible! The internet has changed everything. The path to personal growth, revival and spreading the gospel wide open. And so now is the time to train for ministry, to fulfill your calling as a Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, or missionary.

Your teacher, Dr. Richard Yarbrough

At the age of seven, I pestered and begged my Pastor to allow me to be baptized with the adults, the youngest ever in that Church of Christ. Since then, I have had a lifelong love for the Word of God and a passionate desire to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1963, I realized that although I was baptized, I had not been born again. A bible teacher, later to be my Pastor, led me in a true salvation experience. The infilling with His Holy Spirit, and power came a week later.

In 1969, I became a founding member of Word of Life Fellowship in Redwood City, California. I became a Bible teacher in 1971, a licensed minister in 1978 and, in the mid-80s, I was ordained as an elder in that Church, an honor I still hold. I earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Crown Institute of Theology.

Over the years, I have taught the principles of the doctrine of Christ, and the foundations of the Christian faith to a couple of thousand people in hundreds of classes. I have seen the supernatural gifts of His Holy Spirit manifested thousands of times, dozens upon dozens under my own hands. “Not my might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.” Zachariah 4:6.

I would love to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with you as a coach. We train pastors, church leaders, and students in the gospel of the Kingdom, and in the new and better covenant as spoken of in Hebrews chapter eight. As I have done for many others, I can coach, train, and show you empowerment in your current or future ministry.

Dr. Yarbrough is an Amazon Kindle best-selling author. He has completed the Word of Life Fellowship School of Ministry. He also has completed the Praise Tabernacle correspondence Bible course taught by Apostle Kelley Varner. He has graduated from the S.P.I.R.I.T. School of Ministry and has completed four years of Welton Academy Supernatural Bible School. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Crown Institute of Theology at 74 years of age. He is currently volunteering with a group of graduates and staff of CIT to write a series of textbooks for use in missions in several African nations. Richard Yarbrough has been married for 47 years to his life and ministry partner Cheryl Yarbrough. They have three children, nine grandchildren, and seven great-grand children.

What people are saying about Dr. Rick